Performance in Numbers

Systems Supported
Carriers & Wholesalers Reporting

Your Data, Your Way

AgencyKPI Dashboards

Manage your agency and carrier partnerships without thousands of spreadsheets. AgencyKPI helps Agencies aggregate and organize data from over 100 carriers and 9 agency management systems, into actionable and easy to use dashboards. We provide the tools needed to boost revenue, drive collaboration, empower M&A teams, and grow more profitably.

Solution Image
Solution Image

Your Data Lake

Empower your data teams with clean, aggregated, organized data from over 100 carriers and wholesalers and 9 agency management systems. Feed your existing reporting platforms and internal tools with data you can trust when you need it most.

Empower Profitability and Growth

Profit Sharing and Contingencies

AgencyKPI provides tools that reduce the time it takes to track, reconcile, and distribute profit-sharing and contingency bonuses from months to days. Allowing you to maximize your earning potential and avoid surprises.
  • Track profit sharing and contingency agreements by carrier, location, or state
  • Access premium volume, growth, and loss ratio for over 100 carriers
  • View this data by state, office/location, subcode, or line of business
Agencies actively tracking performance against loss ratio and growth report upwards of $350,000 in additional contingencies and bonuses. 

Track and manage profit sharing and contingency agreements by carrier, agency, or state without thousands of spreadsheets. Access premium volume, growth, and loss ratio for over 100 carriers in one actionable dashboard. View this data by state, office/location, subcode, or line of business. AgencyKPI provides tools that reduce the time it takes to track, reconcile, and distribute profit sharing and contingency bonuses from months to days. Allowing you to maximize your earning potential and avoid surprises.

Features & Capabilities
Features & Capabilities

Carrier Negotiation

Leverage the power of your carrier and wholesale partnerships by making your data work for you. With over 100 carriers and wholesalers and growing, AgencyKPI helps you turn disparate and messy carrier data into organized, and actionable dashboards.
  • Negotiate programs, book rolls, higher commissions, and additional bonuses
  • Analyze your book of business for opportunities to with grow core carriers
  • Maximize your revenue potential with just a few clicks
Agencies using Harmony to manage carrier partnerships report up to 2.2X growth with core carriers and a 20% commission lift on wholesale business.

Leverage the power of your carrier partnerships by making your data work for you. With over 100 carriers and growing, AgencyKPI helps you turn disparate and messy carrier data into organized, and actionable dashboards. View your book of business for each carrier by office or location, state, line of business or NAICS code. Segment by core carriers, wholesalers, or writing paper. Negotiate with confidence your programs, book rolls, higher commissions, and additional bonuses. Maximize your revenue potential with just a few clicks.

Recover Missing Revenue

Get a handle on messy and inconsistent data with special tools to track and reconcile agency subcodes, find missing premium, and make sure you receive credit for all business placed
  • View reporting status by carrier, agency code, branch, or location
  • Quickly identify missing premium and agency codes
  • Make sure newly acquired codes move over
Agencies auditing for missing codes and premiums find millions of missing production credit every year. This contributes to higher contingency bonuses and additional revenue. 

Did you know that 1 out of 5 monthly carrier production reports is incorrect? Often missing agency codes or attaching subcodes that do not belong to you. This constant inconsistency in reporting causes missing production credit and incorrect loss ratios; leading to missed bonuses, lower contingencies, and leakage in revenue. AgencyKPI helps you get a handle on messy and inconsistent data; with special tools to track and reconcile agency subcodes, find missing premium, and make sure you receive credit for all business placed. Agencies using AgencyKPI to track and reconcile agency codes and address data inconsistencies recover millions in premium a year.

Features & Capabilities
Features & Capabilities

Empower M&A Teams

Accelerate due diligence with tools to evaluate and rank prospective book of businesses no matter their management system. Helping you make better decisions and maximize the value of your investment.
  • View carrier spread, average commission, lines of business, active accounts and policies, seasonality spread, team workload, average account size and more
  • Benchmark against an existing book and build “what if” scenarios
  • Evaluate multiple deals to find the best opportunities
 M&A teams using AgencyKPI to evaluate prospects report 95% time-savings in gathering and organizing data, reducing their time to insights from weeks to hours.

Accelerate due diligence with tools to evaluate and rank a prospective book of businesses in minutes. With just a few reports, AgencyKPI gives you visibility into carrier spread, average commission, lines of business, active accounts and policies, seasonality spread, team workload, average account size and more, in an easy-to-use actionable dashboard. Acquisitive agencies use this information to evaluate multiple deals, benchmark against an existing book, build “what if” scenarios and much more; helping you make better decisions and maximize the value of your investment. AgencyKPI partners with 98% of the management systems in market share, allowing you to evaluate any prospect at any time.

Customer Success Stories

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“Without one single point of reference like Harmony, supporting this much growth would be chaos. From my understanding, there isn’t another management system a network has, where they have all information from carriers and members in one powerhouse tool.”

Aileene Cole, VP of Business Strategy


Read case study

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“On a recent carrier visit, a member agency in San Antonio used Market Assistance in identifying five accounts in the appetite discussed. They submitted all five accounts and bound 3 of them shortly after.”

VP of Member Engagement

Top 10 Network

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“With our Members having access to Market Assistance and the hard market we are utilizing data like never before. Our Members are ready to turn data into dollars, we need to keep the momentum up. We need efficiency and a product that is user-friendly.”

Nikki Toon, COO


Read case study

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“Carrier management at the larger broker level is advancing leaps and bounds over where agencies our size are able to do. In order to keep pace, we need to look at technology to aid in this process. I believe this deserves a serious look.”


Top 100 Broker

Customer Success Stories

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“With our members having access to Market Assistance and the hard market we are utilizing data like never before. Our members are ready to turn data into dollars, we need to keep the momentum up. We need efficiency and a product that is user-friendly.”

Nikki Toon, COO


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form,”

  • Complete visibility and control over your agency
  • Simplify your agency operations
  • Get a competitive edge
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form,”

  • Complete visibility and control over your agency
  • Simplify your agency operations
  • Get a competitive edge
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form,”

  • Complete visibility and control over your agency
  • Simplify your agency operations
  • Get a competitive edge

Featured Resource


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry 2.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour,


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Our Partners

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Case Study

CAA Uses AgencyKPI’s Harmony platform to better assist and inform members.

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Over 100 Carriers Participating

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95% of Management Systems Supported

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